Hard, But Meaningful WorkHard But Meaningful Work

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Hard, But Meaningful Work

Over the years, as we have observed contractors working on our home, one thing has become clear: this is not easy work. Whether the contractor is replacing pipes, framing a new room, or installing flooring, they are always working really hard to get the job done. We admire this. Many other professionals could benefit from observing this work ethic. As soon as we realized how hard contractors work, we had to share that fact on the internet. In fact, there are lots of other facts about contractors that we feel are worthy of sharing, which is why we continue to post on this blog.


Revive Your Outdoor Space: How to Resurface Your Concrete Deck

Decks are an essential outdoor space for homes, providing an ideal spot for lounging, hosting gatherings, and having your morning coffee. However, over time, natural wear and tear from weather elements can cause damage to your deck, leading to cracks and uneven surfaces. If your deck is in need of an upgrade, resurfacing can provide an easy and affordable solution. Here's how to resurface your concrete deck following these simple steps.

1. Prepping the Surface:

Before starting the resurfacing process, you must prepare the surface correctly. Start by removing dirt, loose debris, and previous coatings. Use a pressure washer, along with a degreaser or detergent, to remove grease or oil stains. Then, repair any cracks or holes with a concrete patching compound. Once the surface is dry, smooth the surface with a rubstone or concrete grinder.

2. Applying the Resurfacer:

The next step is to apply the concrete resurfacer. It's essential to choose the right type of resurfacer depending on the condition of your deck's surface and the level of traffic it will receive. Resurfacers made up of cement and polymers typically offer better adhesion and durability. Mix the resurfacer following the manufacturer's instructions, then apply a thin layer using a trowel or squeegee, ensuring that the resurfacer reaches all corners and edges.

3. Adding Texture:

If you want to add texture to your deck, you can use a broom, stencil, or stamp to create the desired finish. Before the deck completely dries, use these tools to create a unique surface that matches your exterior decor. Ensure that you work quickly to avoid creating uneven surfaces.

4. Sealing:

Once the resurfacer has dried, it's essential to add a protective sealant to shield the surface from UV rays, freeze-thaw cycles, and other environmental factors. Sealants come in a variety of finishes, so be sure to choose one that suits your decorative preferences. Apply the sealant with a roller or sprayer, making sure you cover the entire surface.

5. Maintaining:

Regular maintenance will help keep your newly resurfaced deck in excellent condition. Sweep and rinse the surface regularly, especially during the leaf-fall season. Use mild cleaners to avoid removing the sealer and restore the texture with a fresh coat of sealant every few years.

Resurfacing your concrete deck is an excellent way to revive your outdoor space without the need for costly demolition and new installations. The key is proper preparation, application, and sealing to ensure longevity. By implementing the aforementioned steps, you have the opportunity to metamorphose your outdated or damaged deck into a stunning outdoor oasis. This revitalized space will require minimal upkeep and offer you endless enjoyment for many years to come.

For more information on concrete deck resurfacing, contact a professional near you.