Hard, But Meaningful WorkHard But Meaningful Work

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Hard, But Meaningful Work

Over the years, as we have observed contractors working on our home, one thing has become clear: this is not easy work. Whether the contractor is replacing pipes, framing a new room, or installing flooring, they are always working really hard to get the job done. We admire this. Many other professionals could benefit from observing this work ethic. As soon as we realized how hard contractors work, we had to share that fact on the internet. In fact, there are lots of other facts about contractors that we feel are worthy of sharing, which is why we continue to post on this blog.


A Comprehensive Guide To Window Glass Replacement

Window glass replacement is a common home maintenance task that becomes necessary due to various reasons such as cracks, condensation, or outdated glass. Whether you are dealing with a single-pane window or a double-pane window, knowing the right steps to replace the glass can save you money and improve the energy efficiency of your home. Keep reading to learn the process of replacing window glass, from assessing the damage to completing the installation. 

Assessing the Damage

Before you begin the replacement process, carefully inspect the window glass to determine the extent of the damage. Cracks, chips, or fogging between double-pane windows are all signs that replacement is necessary. If the window frame is intact and only the glass is damaged, you are likely a candidate for glass replacement rather than an entire window replacement.

Gathering Tools and Materials

To replace window glass, you will need a set of tools and materials, including safety goggles, gloves, a tape measure, a putty knife, glazing points, a heat gun, a glass cutter, and the replacement glass itself. Make sure you have all the necessary items ready before you start the replacement process.

Removing the Old Glass

  • Start by carefully removing any broken glass shards to avoid injuries. Wear safety goggles and gloves for protection.
  • Gently use a putty knife to pry out the old glazing compound and glazing points from around the window frame. Be cautious not to damage the frame during this process.
  • Once the glazing points and compound are removed, use a heat gun to soften any remaining compound for easier removal.

Measuring and Cutting the Replacement Glass

Measure the dimensions of the window frame accurately to determine the size of the replacement glass. Using a glass cutter, score the replacement glass according to the measurements. Make sure to score it in a straight line and avoid applying excessive pressure.

Installing the Replacement Glass

  • Carefully place the replacement glass into the window frame. Make sure it fits snugly.
  • Use glazing points to secure the glass in place. These small metal pieces will hold the glass within the frame.
  • Apply a thin layer of glazing compound around the edges of the glass. This compound seals the glass and provides a weatherproof barrier.
  • Use a putty knife to smooth out the glazing compound and create a neat finish.
  • Allow the glazing compound to dry for the recommended time, usually around a week.

Finishing Touches

Once the glazing compound is completely dry, inspect the replacement glass to ensure it is securely in place and the frame is well sealed. Clean the glass and the surrounding frame, removing any excess glazing compound or dirt.

Contact a company like Hareld Glass to learn more.