Hard, But Meaningful WorkHard But Meaningful Work

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Hard, But Meaningful Work

Over the years, as we have observed contractors working on our home, one thing has become clear: this is not easy work. Whether the contractor is replacing pipes, framing a new room, or installing flooring, they are always working really hard to get the job done. We admire this. Many other professionals could benefit from observing this work ethic. As soon as we realized how hard contractors work, we had to share that fact on the internet. In fact, there are lots of other facts about contractors that we feel are worthy of sharing, which is why we continue to post on this blog.


Chimney Problems You May Not Be Able To See

It's easy to forget hidden parts of your home like a chimney, but chimney problems can cause serious safety and property risks. Here are some commonly missed chimney problems to watch out for.

Chimney Crown Damage 

The chimney crown is an often overlooked but important part of a chimney. Located at the top of the chimney, its purpose is to protect the chimney from water damage. Over time, the chimney crown can develop cracks or deteriorate due to exposure to harsh weather conditions.

These cracks can allow water to seep into the chimney structure, leading to further damage. Moisture entering the chimney can cause the bricks and mortar to deteriorate, resulting in weakened structural integrity. In addition, water infiltration can lead to rusting of metal components such as dampers or flue liners.

Flue Liner Damage

The flue liner plays a vital role in ensuring the safe operation of a chimney. It provides a protective barrier between the heat from fires and the chimney's masonry.

A damaged liner can increase the risk of fires, as the intense heat from combustion can reach the surrounding building materials. It can also allow toxic gases, such as carbon monoxide, to seep into living spaces, posing a serious health hazard to occupants. Regular inspections by chimney professionals are important to identify any internal flue liner damage and address it promptly.

Creosote Buildup

Creosote is a highly flammable substance that accumulates on the interior walls of chimneys when wood is burned. It is a byproduct of incomplete combustion and appears as a black or brown sticky residue.

Excessive creosote buildup can lead to chimney fires, as the combustible material can ignite and spread rapidly. These fires can cause extensive damage to the chimney and even spread to the rest of the house. To minimize the risk of chimney fires, regular chimney cleanings are crucial to remove creosote buildup and ensure the safe operation of the fireplace or wood-burning stove.

Structural Issues

Over time, a chimney may develop various structural issues that are not immediately visible from the outside. Factors such as settling, shifting, or even earthquakes can contribute to these problems. Additionally, extreme temperature changes and exposure to moisture can cause bricks and mortar to crack or deteriorate.

If left unaddressed, structural issues can compromise the stability and safety of the chimney. It can lead to leaning chimneys, tilting chimney crowns, or even complete collapse. A professional chimney inspection can catch these problems early to avoid further damage and reduce the cost of repairs.

Speak to chimney repair services today to find out more.